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HK Architects Ltd

2 Whites Grounds , London , SE1 3LA , United Kingdom

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Lightworks – SHOW:ROOM

New Build

Roundwood 5

Oxford Office

About the practice

LISTENING - Everything begins with our client brief and not before. Our clients know what they want and often have a vision of how it might manifest. We like to workshop with the client body to tease out nuance and discover possibilities. THINKING - Each client and building is different so we do not produce ‘stock’ designs.We develop projects from first principles fitting a specific brief to a specific space. Lateral thinking is always required to ensure the suit fits perfectly. MAKING - We are ‘makers’ used to fabricating our own models, prototypes and mock-ups. This gives us a good understanding of the nature of materials and develops our detailing skills. DESIGNING - Concept and vision are crucial to form a narrative for the design process, pulling the threads together. The good design we strive to produce should always combine utility with delight. PRESENTING - Describing the proposed design solutions in an understandable way is key to project success. We endeavour to communicate accurately and succinctly to ensure clean sign-offs. DRAWING - Cost certainty and buildability rely on well produced tender and production information. Our documentation is always comprehensive and delivered to the agreed deadlines. BUILDING - We prefer to stay close to the construction process as this maintains a constant learning loop. Projects on site always throw up detailed challenges which we tackle pro-actively.

Other Projects

Curzon Street

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Hampstead Residential


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