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Linedota Architects

Suite 121 , 128 Aldersgate Street , London , EC2Y 8AF , United Kingdom

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Corfu Hotel

Watch House


About the practice

Creativity springs from within like a fresh, clear, mountain spring welling-up from the very earth. It is precious yet we possess it in abundance. But for creativity it to be useful, it must be channelled and controlled. It is the research and understanding of our clients needs, within the context of site, culture, and history that shapes and directs the channels through which our creativity flows. If the creativity reaches fertile ground, lush and beautiful gardens will grow. Those gardens, in the form of buildings, interiors, and furniture, will become the delight of our clients and all who walk and rest with them. Where presented with fertile ground, we see our task as to irrigate it, and tend what grows until it is mature and productive. In this sense we are simple gardeners trying to grow our clients ideas.

Other Projects

Boston Place

Within a Conservation Area

Hotels on the hob

Dorset House

Listed Building - Grade II

LaSuite Hotel

The Bramptons

New Build

The Wesley, MIC

Abercorn Cottages

New Build
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