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Coppermill Liveable Neighbourhood Scheme

Waltham Forest

Project Details

£2m to £2.99M

Sited in SSSI area


What If: Projects

39 Cropley Street , London , N1 7HT , United Kingdom

The Coppermill Liveable Neighbourhood scheme is about: bringing qualities of local landscapes to local streets, creating better links and connections between residential streets and the industrial area, and providing better walking and cycling accessibility throughout the neighbourhood and in particular to transport hubs, recreational space and community and educational facilities. The schemes design language reflects the qualities of local nature and landscapes, the Victorian street patterns and the industrial heritage at Lee Valley. The chosen design palette builds on the materials that characterise the area and that pay reference to the Walthamstow Wetlands identity. The series of projects provide coherence with locally established Mini-Holland and borough-wide pedestrian and cycle infrastructure schemes.