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Dunchurch Pools Marina


Project Details

£10m to £49.99M

Brownfield site, New Build, Sited in AONB, Sited in SSSI area


Kirkland Fraser Moor

D Lab Studios, Building 8-12 , Clarence Road Depot , Clarence Road , BERKHAMSTED , Hertfordshire , HP4 3AS

Opened in 2019 to a design we developed with the client over a ten year period. The proposal regenerates a rundown and neglected landscape into a high quality marina set in parkland and natural wildlife habitats. The marina layout takes the form of a ‘clover leaf’ with a small Central Pool at its heart. This Central Pool will act as a formal water piazza for the public buildings and as a focus for the canal entrance to the marina. Three marina pools in natural form provide secure moorings for 550 boats. Approximately half (18ha) of the site is public parkland & wildlife habitats contributing to local biodiversity action plans, amenity for the local community and a setting for the marina. Buildings have been designed to achieve high energy efficiency standards and the use of renewables, such as solar and biomass, combined with ground source heat pumps is anticipated to enable the facility to be operationally carbon neutral.