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PLANNING APPEAL SUCCESS, AND DISCHARGE OF PLANNING CONDITIONS, Design and Planning Application for a new detached house in rural location, Great Hallingbury, CM22 7TR, Borough of Uttlesford.


Project Details

New Build, Sited in AONB, Sited in Greenbelt land


HTP Architecture LLP

Oriel House, 26 the Quadrant , Richmond , TW9 1DL

The site is an open area of land, fringed by trees, accessed of a small rural road, and located between two existing houses. The brief was to design a new, 5 bed private house that complemented the site, met the Essex design guide requirements, and avoided any root protection zones. The proposed location for the proposed new buildings was approved in principle by the Planners, but a complication arose when, following extensive environmental surveys, great crested newts were suspected to be present in a pond at the rear of the site. A mitigation strategy was agreed, and an area of land set aside as a biodiversity refuge. The Planning Application was refused on 2 grounds only. A further Application was submitted, the proposed buildings were now not an issue, one Policy only remained. An Appeal was submitted with new evidence as to why the Application should be consented. THE PLANNING APPEAL HAS BEEN ALLOWED, AND PLANNING CONSENT WAS GRANTED BY THE PLANNING INSPECTOR.. The main issue was: • Whether or not this is a suitable location for the proposal, having regard to policies which direct housing to existing settlements, the site’s accessibility to services and facilities, and to the scheme’s impact on the character and appearance of the area. (The previous Refusal was updated by another Application which slightly modified the HTP design to accord with the Conservation Officer's comments. This was approved, thereby leaving a single Appeal issue.) The Inspector agreed with our contention that the site is not in open countryside, it is in a sustainable location, the proposed buildings would fit in with the character of the area, and the proposal would not harm the area's character and appearance. HTP have now prepared large scale window and door drawings, full details of the proposed new acoustic timber windows, and schedules of external materials and colours. This information was submitted to the Local Authority and has been approved, thereby fully discharging the relevant Planning Conditions.