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Springall St


Project Details

£250,000 to £499,999

Brownfield site, New Build


Green & Teggin Architects

28 Lausanne Road , London , SE15 2HU , United Kingdom

This project consists of a new build 2-bed house in north Peckham. The site comprises a back-land plot within the block of back gardens behind Springall Street, Studholme Street, Asylum Road and Meeting House Lane. The site was occupied by a damp and cramped 1-bed single story house, which was converted from a light industrial unit in the 1980’s. The surrounding properties comprise attached pairs of two storey terraced houses, a single storey electrical substation, a bland two storey 1960’s clergy house and the soaring copper roof and sculptural bell tower of St. John With St. Andrew Parish Church. Set back from the street, the site is surrounded on three sides by gardens. To the south there is a high brick wall separating the site from the church yard. The client had owned the site for many years, and appointed us to see if it could be re-developed to provide a better quality, larger residential unit. In consultation with the council we developed a design that met all the Residential Design Standards, provided generous internal spaces with good quality natural light and views whilst minimising the visual impact and loss of amenity on neighbouring properties. The elevations are composed of load bearing masonry (blue engineering brick), the roof is an extensive living roof, incorporating wild flower meadow mix pre grown turf. Internally, the new roof is be formed using glue laminated beams, which are to be continued externally as pergolas designed provide visual screening to adjacent properties. These pergolas will connect the architectural language of the expressed beams with the boundary fence and gate forming the principle street elevation. To reduce the visual impact on the neighbouring gardens the height on the boundaries is limited to a maximum of 2m, and the roof slope is limited to a 22.5º. Following the collapse of tender negotiations, we formed a new sister construction company (Green & Teggin Projects Ltd), to manage the build.