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St Lawrence Church


Project Details

£50,000 to £99,999

Listed Building - Grade I, Scheduled Ancient Monument, Sited in AONB, Sited in Greenbelt land, Within a Conservation Area


Cohanim Architecture

207 Regent Street , 3rd Floor , London , W1B 3HH , United Kingdom

We were tasked to design and gain planning consent, listed building consent and consent from the diocese and various other third-party bodies to erect a modest extension to a historic Grade I listed church building in Buckinghamshire. It would be the first extension erected since c.1762. We carried out a full architectural service including a meticulous survey and drawing of the existing structure. We successfully applied for and won the consents from all bodies on the first attempt. Our works totalled the creation of 100's of pages of documentation, archival research, detailed drawings, consultation with historic authorities, archaelogists (TVAS), stonemasons, the National Trust and various other ecclessiastical and architectural organisations and authorities. Construction started but immediately ceased upon a new priest commencing a post at the church shortly thereafter. The structure was never built.