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Project Details

£20,000 to £49,999

Brownfield site


Buttress Architects Ltd

41 Bengal Street , MANCHESTER , M4 6AF , United Kingdom

Atelier is the third phase of development in Chapel Street, Salford delivered for the English Cities Fund. The development consists of four blocks creating 167 apartments and 11 townhouses. Eight commercial units have also been designed at ground floor level to create an enlivened street front on Chapel Street. The approach to the design of Atelier uses simple and elegant detailing designed to enhance the setting and civic quality of this historic part of Chapel Street. The proposed apartment blocks are modulated in terms of height to provide visual variety. This modulation is underlined by different bricks to further reinforce the sense of a series of related yet distinct blocks. The individual blocks are united by a plinth of black brickwork which echoes the black granite and black pre-cast plinths of the neighbouring Education Offices and Vimto Gardens respectively, denoting a change of use at this level.