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The Ritz Hotel, Piccadilly, London W1


Project Details

£3m to £4.99M

Within a Conservation Area, Listed Building - Grade II*


Bridges Associates Architects LLP

66 Denbigh Street , London , Greater London , SW1V 2EX , United Kingdom

1. Alterations to and renewal of planning permission and listed building consent for 18 bedroom extension on the Arlington Street side of the Grade II* listed hotel. 2. Refurbishment of Arlington Street vaults and installation of a new room service lift to serve all floors. 3. Negotiations with Westminster City Council and the LFCDA on the removal of unsightly modern fire screens within the Rotunda. 4. Planning permission and listed building consent for the incorporation of three shop units back into the hotel for use as a new bar and brasserie. 5. New Salle Privee, back of house alterations and new staff facilities for the Ritz Casino. 6. Repairs and alterations to Arlington Street entrance canopy and steps.