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Bow Riverside

Project Details

£2m to £2.99M


Adams & Sutherland

Ground Floor , Highgate Business Centre , 33 Greenwood Place , LONDON , NW5 1LB

This project connects and completes the Lea Navigation towpath by the introduction of a floating towpath under the A11 and a new footbridge as part of the wider Bow Gateway initiative. The project acts as a 'condenser of routes' bringing together and enabling a series of routes across and through the area with each element of the project combining to form one linked narrative. A 'chord' taken across the existing west towpath improves accessibility and creates a new river edge habitat. The new bridge will effectively be a new urban space in this disconnected part of the city and enable greater connectivity for the local community and access to the tranquil spaces of the canal. Uniquely as a result of the complex context of constructed ground this will be a route and space that can be seen in plan from the A11 flyover above or the top floor of a London bus. The floating towpath and its lighting strategy will emphasise and take advantage of the poetic qualities of reflected water in this new space below the road. The project was won through selective competition.