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Royal College Street


Project Details


WOLDON Architects

4th floor 1-5 Clerkenwell Road , London , EC1M 5PA

Woldon have been appointed to carry out full Architectural services for a new innovative workspace building in North London. The site is located on the Regents Canal at the junction of College Street Bridge. The design balances the commercial design aspirations with building in the conservation area and tenant aspirations for a modern workspace environment. The overall outcome is a highly sustainable building design that unifies the complexities of a conservation site with innovative tenant workspace. Designs have been developed to address the aspirational and functional needs of the future tenants. Designs encapsulate a contemporary new build workspace, with breakout spaces such as the generous roof terrace, whilst reflecting the energetic North London surroundings. A mews entrance reconnects the history of the canal side activity with a modern gated office entrance, creating a unique character and enlivened arrival experience. The views through the building reveal the canal and the facade opens at all levels to address the water and natural environment. A highly flexible and attractive quality of internal environment will both improve the tenant wellbeing and improves productivity.