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Dixons McMillan Academy


Project Details

£5m to £9.99M


Watson Batty Architects Limited

Watson Batty Architects Limited , Shires House, Shires Road , Guiseley , LEEDS , West Yorkshire , LS20 8EU , United Kingdom

Dixons McMillan Academy is the 4th free school operated by the Dixons Academy Trust. Located on Trinity Road in Bradford, the proposed free school occupies the former Bradford College site. The project saw the conversion of the existing college building into a secondary school for 720 pupils aged 11 to 18. The works included demolition, conversion and new build elements to create a double height entrance and a new build free-standing sports hall with changing facilities. Responding to the client's brief, the building had to create a school environment which was centred around a large multi-use ‘heart’ space. The proposals sought to create a central covered heart shaped area by enclosing the existing semi-courtyard entrance and providing a new glass frontage and entrance. The existing building has undergone a major refurbishment to create suitable teaching spaces and facilities to help the academy to function efficiently and securely. Works also included adjustments to the local highways and extensive landscaping works.