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Epping Forest
£1m to £1.99M
Sited in Greenbelt land
Warwick House , 116 Palmerston Road , Buckhurst Hill , Essex , IG9 5LQ , United Kingdom
The Tooley & Foster Partnership received unanimous Planning Permission for this scheme which sits within the re-creation of 70 acres of meadows, and an informal leisure area. We were appointed following a limited architectural competition. The design presents a modern appearance for this multi-use facility whilst being appropriate to the Green Belt, with the building taking its lead from the change in levels and contour across the site. As a result it is partly buried in the landscape. The choice of materials and detailing was made with sustainability in mind, using Oak planks for part of the elevations, timber boarding at other points and robust panels elsewhere. The flat, ‘green’ roof provides a habitat for wildlife, minimising the discharge of water from the roof and softening its impact upon the landscape. The building also has a well insulated fabric with solar panels and ground source heat pumps. The Pavilion services the four new junior/mini football pitches, two of which can also be used as senior pitches (which are to FA standard). It houses changing rooms, a community hall with kitchen, and accommodation for the Essex Wildlife Trust. A Site Manager also lives on the site in a 3 bedroom flat. The building was officially opened by HRH The Earl of Wessex in November 2011.