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Tower of Light & Wall of Energy


Project Details

£1m to £1.99M

Alteration to existing property


Tonkin Liu

5 Wilmington Square , Clerkenwell , London , WC1X 0ES , United Kingdom

Tower of Light is a flue tower and façade enclosing the new Vital Energi CHP energy centre in Manchester's Civic Quarter. Its 40m tall structure employs. Tonkin Liu's Shell Lace structural technique, developed in collaboration with Arup, to make super-light, super-thin single-surface structures. Made from tailored 3-8mm thick laser-cut sheets that are then curved and welded together to create a stiff strong surface, the biomimetic structure will support the chimneys from the base of the energy centre. It is an ultra-lightweight, vertical single surface structure whose form is its strength, using the least material to achieve the most. Reflectors moved by the wind reflect sunlight to fill the tower with moving light during the day. At night the gently-lit tower and reflective white brick podium form a holistic energy landmark, herald the new era of low-carbon, locally produced energy. Four architecture practices - Tonkin Liu, Hawkins Brown, Marks Barfield, and Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios - were shortlisted to submit designs in a competition to ensure the energy centre and tower structure became a positive addition to the Civic Quarter. After presentations were made to a panel made up of council representatives and relevant experts, including former RIBA president Stephen Hodder, Tower of Light, developed alongside Arup, was chosen.