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£100,000 to £249,999

New Build


Tonkin Liu

5 Wilmington Square , Clerkenwell , London , WC1X 0ES , United Kingdom

Burnley was the first place in the UK to record its rainfall. Pivotal to its industrial past, the rain filled the rivers, the rivers powered the first mills, the moist air kept the cotton supple for weaving. After the decline of the mills, the Burnley region developed into a centre for precision engineering and advanced manufacturing. Three gateways welcome people from three directions, where three routes converge. The rain drums on the thin steel roof as it channels into the ground, while 133 prisms capture sunlight and array it in a full colour spectrum on the ground. At night, the prisms are lit from below, casting rainbows into the mist. The bow of a rainbow is the most simple and dynamic natural geometry, structurally efficient due to its curvature. The pioneering structural principles of Shell Lace now sit in front of the college in Burnley, where future designers, engineers, and entrepreneurs are nurtured. After the rain comes the rainbow, a fitting symbol for optimism, regeneration and learning in Burnley