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Private House

Project Details

£250,000 to £499,999

New Build, Brownfield site


TKLS Architects

59 Tower Street , Winchester , Hampshire , SO23 8TA , United Kingdom

The scheme is for a new house on a brownfield site in the centre of Alresford previously occupied by a derelict storage building and car park. The site faces the rear approach to shops along the main street and is surrounded on two sites by a relatively recent residential development. One of the main design considerations is the impact the site has on its’ nearest neighbours as the ground level of the site is 1.5m higher than the neighbours so overlooking is to be avoided. To minimise the impact on the neighbours the building is part single and part two storey and the bulk of the building is kept as far away from the neighbours as the site permits and the eaves level is kept low. The materials proposed echo the local character with red brick, render and slate but the approach is a mix of traditional and modern characterised by the aluminium projecting bay window to the first floor.