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Selwyn Close


Project Details

£1m to £1.99M

New Build


TADW Architects

Six St. Petersgate , STOCKPORT , Cheshire , SK1 1HD

Selwyn Street is a new development of 18 houses on a steeply sloping site close to Oldham Town Centre – the first new-build scheme to be completed in the Oldham/Rochdale Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder and sets a benchmark in terms of design and sustainability. The scheme has been designed to meet the needs of a local community where there is an increasing demand for larger family houses which comprise four, five and seven bedrooms. Dwellings are ‘tenure blind’ and include homes for rent, shared ownership and outright sale. By talking to the local community, it was established that lower fuel bills were important and solar panels and wind turbines were included to achieve a minimum 10% renewable energy. A mono-pitched roofscape maximises receipt of sunlight and large south facing windows maximise solar gain and natural light. The scheme achieved an Excellent Eco Home rating (a first for Oldham). A high density terrace form is adopted with secured carport spaces between houses at ground floor, and at first and second floors the dwellings link together. This form re-establishes the urban grain of predominantly linear 19th century terrace housing. The visually permeable gates enable parking behind the building line so that vehicles do not dominate the street scene. A major challenge was the need for different house sizes and level changes across the site of 5 metres. This required the need for retaining structures and houses at different levels to achieve privacy and maximum sunlight to gardens without overlooking. In conjunction with this scheme, an adjoining derelict site was chosen for a pocket park designed by Camlin Lonsdale Landscape Architects and the result is a vibrant, well used play area and meeting place that addresses both the needs of the new community and existing residents. Quote: “In the latest round we’ve looked at our first market renewal scheme, Selwyn Street in Oldham. It’s a great scheme that the judging panel felt ‘breaks new ground’ and ‘sends a message to other pathfinders’ – a worthy recipient of the gold standard. Wayne Hemingway, Chairman of Building for Life.