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Park Lane

Project Details

New Build


TADW Architects

Six St. Petersgate , STOCKPORT , Cheshire , SK1 1HD

This project, a new build infill site in Hockley, a semi-rural area of Poynton, involved the design of a single detached dwelling 2/3 storeys in height on a small site (0.22 hectares). Site constraints were access with a narrow street frontage and the need to retain a large mature horse chestnut tree. Built to eco standards well above the minima, the house has a high level of fabric insulation, a high efficiency heating & hot water system and a mechanical ventilation heat recovery installation ensuring that running costs are very low. Photograph by Eddy Rhead Quote: “Outstanding innovative design, excellent green credentials, great spaces, impressive build quality. Despite it being a contemporary new build in a semi-rural setting the house sits exceptionally well in the street scene. Absolutely delighted”. K Podmore – owner