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Mealhouse Brow

Project Details

£2m to £2.99M

New Build, Within a Conservation Area, Listed Building - Grade II


TADW Architects

Six St. Petersgate , STOCKPORT , Cheshire , SK1 1HD

This unique scheme is located within Stockport Market/Underbanks Conservation Area and includes the repair and refurbishment of a grade II listed building which contains the old Stockport dungeons and medieval town walls, and conversion of adjoining buildings into a mixed development of 20 No. residential and 7 No. retail units. The residential scheme of 18 No. flats for affordable rent is centred around two secured courtyards accessed by gated passageways from Market Place. An additional 2 flats have direct access from Mealhouse Brow, making good use of the steep levels across the site. There is no standardisation here. Each flat has been individually designed to take into consideration its location within the existing buildings and topography, its relationship with its neighbours and its interaction with the external courtyard spaces. As our understanding of the site increased, so the design developed. We discovered historic and architectural features which had an effect on the proposed layout. Many have since contributed positively to the design and are valued additions. There is a blend of old and new technology to complement and protect the old, all contained within the traditional repair and restoration of historic fabric. The completed first phase has restored a longstanding dilapidated and blighted area of Stockport and given a new lease of life to the Stockport Market community. Quote: “The redevelopment of Mealhouse Brow complements the wider regeneration work and is an excellent example of how sensitive restoration can help to improve the quality of life for the people who live and work in the area”. Councillor Sue Derbyshire, SMBC Executive Member for Regeneration.