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Fallowfield Methodist Community Church


Project Details

£250,000 to £499,999


TADW Architects

Six St. Petersgate , STOCKPORT , Cheshire , SK1 1HD

The refurbishment of a 1930’s art deco Church building in Fallowfield, Manchester. The original Church building was extended within 2 years of opening with ancillary buildings to the rear which comprised cafe, day care and youth facilities, in response to its popularity in the local community. Sadly some 70 years after it first opened its doors some of the facilities had fallen into a poor state of repair through disuse and the Church began looking into options for its refurbishment. As part of our brief, we explored options with the Church and the decision was taken to carefully take down the ancillary buildings which were in the worst state of repair to expose and reinforce the buildings original hexagonal worship hall. A new first floor was inserted with the minimum disruption caused to the existing fabric inside the hall, and the hall completely refurbished Much of the land previously occupied by the ancillary buildings was no longer required and much needed funds were generated for the refurbishment of the Church from the sale of a section of the land with planning permission for 4 houses as agreed with the Church. A great deal of sensitive restoration work was carried out to the building, including the restoration of an intricate reinforced concrete tracery stained glass window, repairs to a cupola and extensive brickwork repairs. Necessary interventions in the existing fabric have remained ‘honest’ in their detailing where appropriate, ensuring that the history of the building can be read by future generations. For instance the new rear elevation, formed by the demolition of ancillary buildings, has been clad in a charred timber finish with a feature stainless steel cruciform to indicate that it is not part of the original external fabric. Quote: “We’re very pleased with the refurbishment of the Church and the new layout and facilities have worked out very well”. Brian Mottram Member of the Church Photograph by Eddy Rhead