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Wilmer Place


Project Details

£2m to £2.99M

New Build


Studio Verve Architects

Unit 1/C, LONDON , Haggerston Studios , 284-288 Kingsland Road , LONDON , E8 4DN

Located to the north of Hackney, close to the Abney Park cemetery, the site consists of a series of three storeys high street buildings with a dilapidated two storey building facing onto Wilmer Place. The scheme serves to refurbish and restore the high street buildings to its former glory whilst improving the shopfront designs throughout and to introduce various extensions through out to include a series of five new build part 2 and part 3 storey townhouses. These townhouses with their undulating pitched roofs sit well on site, in line with the aesthetics of the surrounding butterfly roofs. It also echoes the pitched roofs of the adjacent Carpet factory. The dancing pitched roof townhouses serves to break up the scale of the original slab block by way of reinforcing a town-house aesthetic. A well-landscaped podium is created to serve as the main entry way to almost all the flats above the commercial units. Grow-your-own vegetable garden plots are also proposed to reinforce a sense of community amongst the occupants.