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Swanage Pier Regeneration


Project Details

Listed Building - Grade II


Studio Partington

Unit G, Reliance Wharf , Hertford Road , London , N1 5EW

Swanage Pier is a Grade II listed Victorian structure. Its origins relate unusually to Swanage's industrial Purbeck marble quarrying past. Marine Villas is a Grade II listed Georgian villa built before the pier that originally contained new fashionable cold salt-water baths but was soon converted into a private dwelling. Studio Partington were selected as Lead Designer through a limited competition in November 2015. We were asked to develop proposals for the refurbishment and extension of Marine Villas, the external landscape, improving the entrance to the pier, moving the charging point and refitting the existing public WCs following a Heritage Lottery Fund round one pass. We obtained Planning and Listed Building consent in June 2016 and have helped to progress Heritage Lottery Fund and Coastal Communities Fund applications.