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Silver Street Studios


Project Details

£1m to £1.99M

Within a Conservation Area, Alteration to existing property, Brownfield site, Listed Building - Grade II


Studio Mills

Studio 23 , 14 Feathers Place , LONDON , SE10 9NE

Studio Mills are designing a family home in central Greenwich - the existing site is a derelict, terraced grade II listed property in the Greenwich conservation area. Planning has been granted to create a six bedroom home - restoring the existing facade with a modernist architectural property to the rear. Their are a number of pits from an archaeological dig in the garden - these will form the basement living area including a sunken garden. A sustainable design - the materials is a combination of timber, concrete and stone with landscaping weaving throughout. Powered on renewable including an air-source heat pump and solar panels - the property will be low-carbon, with sedum roofing to encourage biodiversity.