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Thomas the Baker - Commercial Re-Branding

Project Details

Listed Building - Grade II, Within a Conservation Area


Stone + Associates

Stone + Associates , The Studio , 7 B Saville Street , Malton , North Yorkshire , YO17 7LL , United Kingdom

Thomas the Baker have engaged us for a number of years in a programme of rebranding and opening new shops. We have worked with Thomas the Bakers' own in-house team to deliver, as required, all of the advertising, planning, listed building, Conservation Area and Building Regulation approvals for roughly thirty shops throughout Yorkshire. This has meant dealing with many different planning authorities and interested parties. We have achieved a 100% record for all of the various types of application for our client. We are very proud of our work here because good design has been recorded by the client for significantly boosting sales. We were asked to work with the in-house team to support and guide when requested through all stages of building works. Flexibility is key to working with a team of experienced professionals and an experienced client. We have been taught a great deal by a very experienced retailer and it is rewarding to have a two way relationship with a client. We are now designing and developing Thomas the Baker's flagship store in Helmsley.