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Middleton Street, Hull


Project Details

Brownfield site, New Build


Steve Burland Architecture

85 Ella Street , Hull , HU5 3AJ , United Kingdom

Hull has a housing crisis especially in the rented sector. A recent survey showed that up to 80% of the housing stock within the city was rented accommodation and that a high percentage of the rented accommodation owned by private landlords could be deemed as being sub-standard in terms of space, general conditions and amenities. Middleton Street is a residential inner city area dominated by rental accommodation. It is predominantly new immigrant families and students. The site was the gardens of two late Victorian middle class houses and has been vacant for many years. The proposal was to provide two dwellings that would either be for rent or leasehold. One two bed dwelling and one three bed dwelling. Both houses are to provide spaces for off street parking. Hull is a city with a high risk of flooding. The houses have been designed with this in mind and have the main living accommodation at first floor level at a level designated as ‘a place of safety’ in the event of flooding. The living accommodation is an open plan space of kitchen, dining and sitting areas with a large glazed wall at the eastern end. The glazing at the east is a response to the close proximity of adjacent properties. Glazing of the north, south and west elevations has been kept to a minimum to avoid overlooking adjoining properties. The dwelling meet national space standards and provide affordable, high quality accommodation.