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House in Berwickshire

Scottish Borders

Project Details

£1m to £1.99M

Alteration to existing property, Listed Building - Grade II


Simpson & Brown

The Old Printworks , 77a Brunswick Street , Edinburgh , EH7 5HS , United Kingdom

This regency ‘cottage-ornée’ style house sits in the foothills of the Lammermuirs in Berwickshire. When it was acquired by our client, it had a confused plan with rambling additions and a poor state of repair. Selective demolitions brought order back into the plan and the creation of a new walled garden and ‘Guest Cottage’. The most impactful change was the internal replanning and the creation of a new galleried oval library in the centre of the house, top lit by a new lantern light. In addition, there were significant work to the roofs and the external walls were lime plastered and limewashed.