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Harwell Village Hall

Project Details

New Build


RPA Architects Ltd

Strathfield House , Chilton Road , Upton , DIDCOT , Oxfordshire , OX11 9JL

Following a rigorous competition and selection process RPA Architects were appointed to provide full architectural and lead consultancy services for Harwell Village Hall. As with all community projects, construction and maintenance costs were critical. We provided a full review of existing facilities and services in order to improve provision for the many clubs and societies which use the premises as well as broadening appeal and letting potential to enhance sustainability. The project included the demolition of a building which was deemed unsafe, the renovation, modernisation and alteration of an existing hall and the construction of a new multi-purpose hall fully equipped with comprehensive audio-visual equipment and retractable seating. Completed in Spring 2017 the two halls are connected by a new link building which accommodates a spacious café area and independent parish council office as well as centralised kitchen, toilet and plantroom facilities. The completed village hall complex provides a vibrant, flexible and cohesive whole serving a parish population of more than 3000.