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Cross Street


Project Details

£100,000 to £249,999

Listed Building - Grade II, Within a Conservation Area


Roger Mears Architects

Union Chapel , Compton Avenue , LONDON , N1 2XD

This Grade II listed house is a fine example of surviving 18th century fabric and is part of a group of four houses within the Cross Street Conservation Area in London. The London Borough of Islington had left it in very poor condition. The building fabric had deteriorated, but there was a large amount of panelling and a fine staircase still intact. Alterations were carefully considered to minimise the impact on existing fabric. Fire-surrounds were re-instated and windows and doors repaired. Plasterboard ceilings and internal partitions were renewed in oak lath and hair-lime plaster. The original panelling was carefully repaired without stripping paint finishes and where such joinery as shutters were missing it was renewed incorporating surviving fragments as a pattern. The existing cornices were stripped of paint to expose the relief detail. All missing architraves were reinstated in new timber sections of identical profile to original details. Further investigations revealed the former colour palette that was replicated throughout.