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Mews house - Marylebone


Project Details

£0.5m to £0.99M

New Build, Within a Conservation Area


Robin Walker Architects

45 Welbeck Street , London , W1G 8DZ , United Kingdom

Redeveloped former mews garages to provide a new five level luxury mews house with basement level aspect. The practice was commissioned to undertake the redevelopment of former mews garages and ancillary space to provide a new five level mews house set within a unique design context at the end of Jacob’s Well Mews, behind Hinde Street, adjacent to Manchester Square, Westminster. The development works consisted of the demolition of the former ancillary elements, excavation and formation of a new basement and superstructure works to provide five levels of accommodation. The street façade and mansard roof elements have been carefully conceived to align contextually with the adjacent building forms, façade articulation, and material palette. At ground level the former garage doors are reinterpreted as sliding folding shutters with floor to ceiling glazing set behind, maintaining the articulation of the former services use. The practice provided full architectural design services from initial concept stage proposals through to completion.