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The Old Farm House

South Downs National Park Authority

Project Details

Listed Building - Grade II, Alteration to existing property


Radley House Partnership Limited

20 Staples Gardens , Winchester , SO23 8SR

The Old Farmhouse, Hampshire The Old Farmhouse, Hampshire, is a Grade II listed timber-framed hall house with significant historical and architectural value. Dating back to the 16th century, the farmhouse showcases traditional post and truss construction with various later additions that reflect the building styles of the 17th and 18th centuries. The adjacent granary, also listed at Grade II, is a fine example of an 18th-century agricultural building, providing insight into the region's agricultural past. These buildings are situated within the South Downs National Park, emphasising their cultural and environmental importance. The recent project, completed earlier this year, involved the demolition of a modern, incongruent garage outbuilding and its replacement with a new rear extension and car barn. These works were carried out in conjunction with a full refurbishment of the farmhouse including numerous internal and external alterations. The new extension is designed to enhance the existing character of the site, using materials and forms that complement the farmhouse without mimicking its historic fabric. It incorporates a two-storey structure with contemporary "hit and miss" stained timber cladding, an aluminium-clad gable end, and aluminium-framed windows, providing modern living spaces while maintaining a clear distinction from the historic elements of the site. The car barn, located to the north of the site, has been carefully designed to appear subservient to the main house and granary. Constructed with an oak frame on a red brick plinth and stained timber weatherboarding, it features a hipped roof with clay tiles and traditional detailing that harmonises with the surrounding heritage assets. Its placement and low profile ensure minimal visual impact from the road. The proposed works were sensitively designed by Radley House Partnership to conserve and enhance the heritage significance of The Old Farmhouse and its surrounding buildings. Our role encompassed that of lead designer, which included all aspects of design and detailing to ensure compliance with relevant building legislation and planning policies. We are pleased to say that the interventions have improved the site's functionality and aesthetics while respecting the historic context, thus providing a sustainable future for this cherished heritage asset.