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The Printworks Lewes


Project Details

£5m to £9.99M

Within a Conservation Area, Brownfield site


R H Partnership Architects Ltd

R H Partnership Architects Ltd , 28 Foundry Street , Brighton , East Sussex , BN1 4AT

The Printworks is a high density, modern mix of flats, town houses and live-work units of 54 residential dwellings comprising 45 flats and 9 town houses which incorporate 12 live work units, 14 affordable units, communal roof terraces and ground floor courtyards forming a new interactive live-work community, and provides a high standard of private and communal living for all. The scheme has regenerated the 0.25 hectare, brownfield site which sits in at the heart of the Lewes Conservation Area, and that was formerly occupied by the Baxter's Printing Works. The project created a new streetscape to the lane and twittens that run either side of the former factory building. The developement aims to respond appropriately to the genius loci of its surroundings and forms a sustainable, modern insertion that knits almost seamlessly into the historic context. Architectural forms specifically refer to the complexities of the Mediaevel context, and the materials have been chosen to build upon the traditional palette through contemporary methods. Extensive analysis of townscape, urban-form and distant views have been combined with teh contemporary issues of programme, sustainability, modern techniques of construction and modern use of materials. This has resulted in a new building form which reinforces the lines of the twittens and creates a series of public external spaces. These in turn re-establish a suitable backdrop to promote and enhance the existing physical, social and economic context. The roof top gardens offer unparalleled panoramic views across the Ouse Valley that can be enjoyed by all residents. The demand for the scheme to address environmental issues through its construction (timber frame), form, materials and servicing has resulted in the sheme gaining an EcoHomes 'VERY GOOD' rating. In addition bat boxes and swift roosting boxes have been incorporated, along with specification of indigenous planting to enhance and protect local biodiversity.