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North Street Quarter


Project Details

£50M or more

New Build


R H Partnership Architects Ltd

R H Partnership Architects Ltd , 28 Foundry Street , Brighton , East Sussex , BN1 4AT

The Phoenix Industrial site occupies nearly a quarter of central Lewes, the county town of East Sussex. The estate has a prime position within the stewardship of the South Downs National Park (SDNP), however it had slipped into decline following major flooding in October 2009 and was subsequently acquired by the Santon Group in 2011. The site now forms a strategic development in the Joint Core Strategy between the SDNP and Lewes District Council. rhp have been appointed as Master Planners by the Santon Group, with a brief to create a sustainable quarter that forms an organic and natural extension to the historic market town of Lewes. The entire site will be redeveloped for mixed use. Key aspects will include a new public realm, with pedestrian priority, which reconnects the communities living on all sides of the site. A riverside walk and new footbridge crossing the River Ouse, together with traffic-calmed shared spaces and high quality landscaping will combine to create an inclusive and vibrant new eastern gateway into the town. The mix of uses will include 416 new homes (a mix of private and affordable with 55% for older and younger persons; 45% for families). In addition there will be over 50 extra-care flats, a health centre, employment, creative industry and arts spaces (tying in with Lewes’s rich creative heritage), cafés, restaurants, bars and parking for residents and visitors to Lewes.