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Tamar Court

North Somerset

Project Details


Quattro Design Architects Ltd

Matthews Warehouse , High Orchard Street , Gloucester Quays , Gloucester , Gloucester , GL2 5QY , United Kingdom

The partnership between Alliance Homes and North Somerset Council, established a complex brief for an affordable, rented, Extra Care development, capable of accommodating residents with early to severe forms of dementia, whilst also incorporating a council run ‘daycare’ dementia wellbeing centre. A courtyard garden, complete with an existing mature tree and centrally located home-zone activity rooms, provided a basis from which a dementia programme could be delivered. The above brief changed with the rent cap in 2015 compelling Alliance Homes to reassess the tenancy arrangement resulting in 50% affordable rent and 50% of the apartments for shared ownership. This required swift action from the client, contractor, interior designer and Architect into developing a higher quality alternative fitting-out scheme, to meet shared ownership aspirations. The tenancy change has led to a younger demographic of resident, requiring a greater ability to manage their own future.