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Roussillon Park


Project Details

£5m to £9.99M

New Build


PWP Architects

Newnham House , 61 South Street , HAVANT , Hampshire , PO9 1BZ

Phase 1A, B & C were the first phases of this 256 unit development on the site of the Chichester Baracks. The development is a fusion of beautiful homes, sustainable living and considered landscape. The architecture respects the unique character and traditional values of its setting. Great care has been taken to ensure this, and to protect and retain as much of the barracks’ original features. landscape of the site, linking seamlessly into the revised landscape. The development is built of a diverse range of 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes, offering a large variety of properties to cater for all needs in the aim to create a community. All the homes meet the standards of Code for Sustainable Homes level 4.