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St Margaret's Church, Thimbleby

Project Details

Listed Building - Grade II


PPIY Limited

Suite S9,The Catalyst , University of York, East Campus , Baird Lane , YORK , YO10 5GA , United Kingdom

St Margaret's Church, Thimbleby St Margaret’s is a Grade II listed church in Thimbleby, Lincolnshire. The project consisted of rebuilding the spire in new limestone and undertaking associated stone repairs. The works consisted of internal stonework repairs and repointing to the tower, repairs to the west window stonework, repairing the window vents so that they were openable, renewal of the ringing floor to allow for safe access up the tower and spire, and a new access ramp to the west door. The project demanded a high level of detail in the documents PPIY produced to ensure that the work was tendered accurately. The work was completed in 2018 and was funded by the HLF Grants for Places of Worship scheme, which dictated the programme and timescale. PPIY were able to meet all the deadlines set out by the funders, and provided the client with an excellent service. The spire had to be taken down as it was considered unsafe, so one of PPIY’s first tasks was to understand what it used to look like from archive images and documents. This research allowed us to design a spire which was a replica of the old one, and so in keeping with both the church and its surroundings. The proposed new ramp to the west entrance was complicated by the level differences between the road and the west door, as well as having to avoid key graves in the churchyard. An alternative proposal of ambulant steps was agreed with the client, and our knowledge and skills within the sector allows us to liaise with both the client and Local Planning Authority to assuage their concerns over the alternative proposal, and come to an agreement. As such, PPIY were instrumental in designing suitable options that both work with the site and are affordable, and are therefore able to be included in the scheme. For our work at St Margaret’s, PPIY received the prestigious King of Prussia Gold Medal 2019 at the National Church Architecture Awards, organised by The National Churches Trust. The King of Prussia Gold Medal was the gift of King Frederick William IV of Prussia in 1857 and has been awarded since the 1980’s for the best church repair and conservation project. Our associate Alexa Stephens also won the Young Church Architect of the Year 2019 for her work on St Margaret’s Church, which has been described as “an incredible rebuild of the church spire”.