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Clarges Street

Project Details

£1m to £1.99M


POW Architects

15 Bluelion Place , LONDON , SE1 4PU

Nestled amongst the emerging structures by leading developer British Land toward Piccadilly and the older Georgian properties on this street in London’s exclusive Mayfair is a residential block designed in the 1960s, which was in need of some tender loving care to allow it to blend in with its illustrious neighbours. Originally designed as an office block the scheme was changed midway through the build into 21 residences. The facade was therefore more suited to a regimented office building rather than the more subtle requirements of housing and looked misplaced within the urban streetscene. Our design breaks the linear monotony of the original scheme and through carefully considered detailing and high quality materials adds a designed quality to the building which allows it to sit more comfortably within the urban street scene.