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York Inpatient Facility, Foss Park Hospital


Project Details

£10m to £49.99M

Brownfield site, New Build


P+HS Architects Limited

The Old Station , Station Road , Stokesley , North Yorkshire , TS9 7AB , United Kingdom

P+HS worked closely with the Trust to develop proposals for the new 72 bed bespoke mental healthcare facility for adults and older persons, following the CQC’s closure of Bootham Park, York. The design of the new hospital proposes to be sympathetic to the York vernacular, building upon the views received during the extensive consultation with the local authority, service users, carers and clinical stakeholders. The new facility has four 18-bed wards: two adult, single sex wards and two older people’s wards (one for people with dementia and one for people with mental health problems such as psychosis, severe depression or anxiety).