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St Brendan's College


Project Details

£10m to £49.99M

Listed Building - Grade II, Sited in Greenbelt land, New Build


NVB Architects

N V B Architects , Rook Lane Chapel , Bath Street , FROME , Somerset , BA11 1DN , United Kingdom

The Masterplan by NVB of this Catholic College led to a 2 phase development to provide a complete new academic campus. The LSC were committed to the project and Mark Heysom (Chief Executive, LSC) stated that all FE students should learn in ‘world class accommodation by 2010’. With 1500 students on site and no obvious development zone, the key to providing an entirely modern campus was the unlocking of the site by the construction of the new Multi Purpose Hall, which occupies part of the site designated as Green Belt. The site is also a registered Grade II landscape because of its historical importance. The Masterplan was developed using a courtyard which creates a sense of entrance to the campus and provides external open space which will be used socially by the students all year around. The scheme is divided into 4 directorates and links with the most recent buildings, some of which are only a few years old, to provide a unified site. One of the main intentions was to provide a campus which is level, affording full access to all of the students. The Phase II campus completion was achieved in October 2009.