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Infants and Nursery School


Project Details

£2m to £2.99M

Listed Building - Grade II, New Build


NVB Architects

N V B Architects , Rook Lane Chapel , Bath Street , FROME , Somerset , BA11 1DN , United Kingdom

The Lodge is recognised as a Grade II listed building. The existing building has been refurbished and upgraded, with the original stair being retained and restored. A new classroom has been built behind the listed wall to minimise impact and to draw a distinction between the new and original elements. The rear extension provides a new entrance with level access from the footpath and into the garden, and a circulation core. Ramps are provided to mitigate the level changes as well as a lift for access to the first floor. The reception office has clear visibility of this area. On the first floor, a roof terrace allows the Lodge’s original roof form to be viewed which reduces the impact of the extension. A footbridge connects the building to the main school. A new stair provides access to the second floor which houses staff offices. In total, 7 classrooms for nursery and infant use have been created, split between the existing building and new extension, together with relevant associated accommodation. The infant classrooms are located on both floors throughout the building. The nursery classroom is located on the ground floor and has direct access to the newly created outdoor play area. Office and staff spaces are provided too.