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Heathervale House

Tunbridge Wells

Project Details


MortonScarr Architects

47 Middle Street , BRIGHTON , BN1 1AL

Located in the centre of Tunbridge Wells, this three storey office building was tired and dated both internally and externally. The concrete frame was originally clad in brick, slate and hung tiles with brown framed windows which were small and limited the daylight to the office spaces The design brief for MortonScarr was to maximise the commercial potential for the site and to create an attractive landmark building for the town. Initial options presented to the planning department and conservation team and well received and planning consent was approved first time for a large rear extension, a new glazed lift extension to the front, and two additional fully glazed stories on top of the existing roof. The entire façade is being re-clad and projecting boxes are being added to the façade. A material pallet of aluminium and bronze has been used to contrast and complement the cement panel cladding. Large expanses of glazing have been used to add daylight to the new office spaces which are shaded by two-storey bronze louvers. The project is currently in construction and due to complete in 2019.