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Project Details

£2m to £2.99M

New Build


Mikhail Riches

17a Newman Street , LONDON , W1T 1PD

Won in an invited competition organised by Malcom Reading Consultants, the brief for this project is to create a new quad, integrating a collection of disparate C18th houses, used as a mixture of student accommodation and teaching spaces, into the grounds of New College Oxford. With the City Wall, a scheduled ancient monument, as a backdrop, we are working with Plincke Landscape Architects to carefully design a new landscape and connection to the College, as well as adding new student rooms and teaching spaces. How to integrate these C18th houses into the college grounds so they become part of New College whilst retaining their charm as C18th and C19th town houses, C19th additions and C20th infill. Our key design moves have been to propose refurbishing the Listed Properties on Longwall, as well as rebuilding one property - Bodicote House, as well as adding new connections and landscape, along with new accommodation in the garden. Overall we believe our strategy will improve the setting of the City Wall, and of the Listed buildings along Longwall. It provides New College with much needed extra accommodation on site and improves connections to the College through its own grounds. We are progressing this scheme with a view to completing a Feasibility Study before the end of 2015.