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St George's Chapel

Project Details


Martin Ashley Architects

745, 7th Floor, Regal House , 70 London Road , Twickenham , Greater London , TW1 3QS , United Kingdom

St George’s Chapel, Windsor, was founded in 1348 and has witnessed many important moments in British national life. Martin Ashley has enjoyed the demanding yet privileged position of Surveyor of the Fabric since 1999, following in the footsteps of architects such as Sir Christopher Wren and Sir George Gilbert Scott. Since 2003 the practice has worked on an ongoing restoration programme, bringing our skills to bear alongside a dedicated team of historians, conservators and other specialists to conserve and protect this wonderful building. One of the major elements of the programme was the restoration of the West Front in 2007. Significant work was needed to address weathering to stonework, and to address damage caused by earlier conservation efforts in the 1920s. We devised a strategy to impede water decay - a complex operation that required parts of the building such as parapets to be dismantled and replaced once new leading and water management measures were put in place. Elsewhere, damaged stone was sensitively repaired or replaced with carefully sourced Caen stone to match the original. A major survey of the West Front’s rich collection of statues, grotesques and heraldry informed the conservation of individual pieces. Where possible, sculptures were cleaned and repaired in situ, while more significant or badly damaged pieces were removed for conservation by specialist teams. New carvings were made to replace or repair badly damaged originals, including to one of the Chapel’s most important pieces - a rare Henry VII coat of arms, with fragments of original paint still intact.