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Uni of Edinburgh - Charles Stewart House


Project Details

£1m to £1.99M

Alteration to existing property


Lewis & Hickey Ltd

1 St. Bernards Row , EDINBURGH , EH4 1HW

The original brief for Charles Stewart House was for a general refurbishment with internal reconfiguration to provide enhanced office, meeting, staff and visitor accommodation. Following extensive option appraisals and costing exercises the viability of the project was questioned and in May of 2015 was put “on hold”. L&H independently took the decision to carry our further studies of the building to look at where we could achieve added value and improve the viability of the project. We developed a proposal for a 3 storey intervention to the existing Listed building. The proposal has not only achieved but exceeded the overall project objectives creating new contemporary, open plan office space with a central atrium linking the old and the new, bringing light into a new central spine. The scheme will achieve a more legible, efficient, workable, flexible and inspirational building for the University, Students and its visitors. It is proposed that the Atrium will provide a forum style open interaction space with the original stone walls exposed and retained at the junction with the new construction. New feature links will connect core spaces across the central atrium. We are currently working on accessibility with the external proposals involving the removal of 3 no. stone entrance steps to create a level threshold. Internally the floor level, immediately adjacent to the entrance, is to be lowered to the level of the external pavement and a platform lift installed.