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Stirling Student Residences

Project Details

£10m to £49.99M

New Build


Lewis & Hickey Ltd

1 St. Bernards Row , EDINBURGH , EH4 1HW

L&H were appointed by the University of Stirling in May 2011 to develop proposals for the next generation of student accommodation on their campus. Earlier feasibilities had identified a £35 million pound programme phased over 3 years, delivering the replacement of 786 beds. This is achieved through the development of 2 vacant sites and the demolition and re-building of 2 existing accommodation blocks. The proposals will be carefully integrated into the mature landscaping setting and will provide top of the range facilities for both student and commercial lets. Through the design process careful consideration has been given to the integration of the buildings within the landscape and into the structural form of the overall residences neighbourhood. A simple pallet of materials is also proposed reflecting the minimalist nature of the existing architecture throughout the campus.