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Livingston Station Community Centre

Project Details

£1m to £1.99M

New Build


Lewis & Hickey Ltd

1 St. Bernards Row , EDINBURGH , EH4 1HW

Lewis & Hickey were appointed by West Lothian Council to review the options for a new Community Centre at Livingston Station. The facilities were spread over two buildings, one of which was the old primary school. Both buildings required substantial investment and L&H recommended that a new purpose built facility would provide the best accommodation with lower maintenance and running costs. The new building is a single storey pavilion which addresses the existing bowling green. Facilities include two multi purpose halls with kitchen and bar facilities, internet cafe and several meeting rooms, adult learning and playgroup, all of which can be shared by the bowling club. The building incorporates a number of sustainable energy features including a sedum grass roof, natural ventilation and rainwater harvesting.