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Blackpool Council Offices Re-Model


Project Details


Lewis & Hickey Ltd

1 St. Bernards Row , EDINBURGH , EH4 1HW

Working closely with Council departments Lewis & Hickey's Edinburgh office remodelled the ground floor of the Municipal Building to form a new one-stop-shop to give community access to all services in one central location. The ground floor was opened up and re-glazed and a canopy and sign-post totems added to create an open, welcoming and inclusive interface between the public and staff providing Council services to the community. A legible hierarchy of shared facilities in open plan spaces promote an efficient and easily read layout from the entrance. These in turn lead to clustered service desks and break-out spaces providing more specialist help in an informal setting with adjacent meeting and interview rooms providing privacy and a more formal setting for confidential consultations. The safety and security of staff was also carefully considered and provided for. L&H were subsequently commissioned to refurbish the Council Chamber and the Mayor's office suite and to make a competitive design and fee bid submission for the Council's new Enterprise Centre.