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Award WInning Sustainable Housing and Refurb

Vale of White Horse

Project Details

£0.5m to £0.99M

Alteration to existing property



The Studio, Building F5 , Culham Science Centre , Culham , OX14 3EB , United Kingdom

Culham based architects lapd architecture & urban regeneration were amongst the winners of awards at this year's Downland Prize. The practice gained Highly Commended for Sustainability, the only award given for this category, at the event held at Royal Institute of British Architects Headquarters in London, on 22 September 2009. The Downland Prize covers the RIBA Southern Region of England. Of 96 schemes submitted, 26 projects were shortlisted and 6 prizes awarded on the night. The winning project was the conversion of the listed Dandridges Mill in East Hanney to provide high specification residences that are virtually zero carbon. Trevor Avery of lapd architects said "The standard of entries was very high, so to be given this award is significant for lapd architecture & urban regeneration. This award is the result of a good collaborative working relationship with our client that has produced a project we are all very proud off. It is a landmark sustainable project that we hope will be a catalyst for future developments and an example to everyone of good sustainable design." lapd architects worked very closely with their client Hallidays Developments and Vale of White Horse Council . The project incorporates a modern day Archimedes screw (originally invented over 2300 years ago), photovoltaic panels to generate electricity and ground source heat pump providing heating from energy in the river. Sustainable design is very much part of the practice's philosophy when designing schemes for our clients.