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The Marquis


Project Details

Listed Building - Grade II


KLH Architects Limited

The Old Steelyard , Poplar Lane , Sproughton , IPSWICH , Suffolk , IP8 3HL

The Marquis of Cornwallis Public House which is of 16th Century origin and Grade II listed, closed as a public house in 2008. This building stood empty for a number of years as attempts were made to change the use to residential until our client acquired the site in 2014 with the concept of re-opening the premises as a bar, restaurant and boutique hotel. KLH Architects have designed extensions to create new dining spaces, kitchens, cellars and 6 additional bedrooms. The existing bar areas and first floor rooms were restored but the existing layout and historic fabric remains largely unchanged. The design process required no less than four planning and listed building applications and close support of the Local Planning Authority. New terraces have been built overlooking the Brett Valley with the river in the foreground and a distinctive 6 gabled rear elevation visually controls scale and integrates contemporary glazing and traditional materials. The Hotel now comprises 11 bedrooms, 2 bars, a new entrance hall, 2 lounges and 3 dining areas