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New Guesthouse on Bequia

Project Details

£250,000 to £499,999


Kilburn Nightingale Architects

26 Harrison Street , LONDON , WC1H 8JW

The new guesthouse on the Island of Bequia in the Caribbean has recently been completed. An existing property (once owned by Sir Anthony Eden) was already on the site, but rather than extend, a new building was designed to nestle in the coconut palm grove edging the beach, benefiting from sea-breezes and making the most of views across to Mustique. The new building is intimately related to the palms, from the variety and arrangement of spaces, the rhythm of the balustrade, to the use of their leaves in the shuttering of the concrete ceilings. The building can be thrown open; rooms opening at their corner by means of sliding slatted timber walls, or shuttered up tightly against a storm and the drawbridge raised. Much of the furniture used in the house has been made locally. The project benefited from an increasingly enthusiastic contractor and was run on site by local executive architects.