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Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Showroom

Project Details

£0.5m to £0.99M


Kilburn Nightingale Architects

26 Harrison Street , LONDON , WC1H 8JW

The new building for F.H.Warr and Sons Limited makes a bold and distinctive statement, immediately conspicuous from the King's Road. The whole building is oval in plan, giving 180 degree visibility to the showroom which occupies most of the ground floor and creating a sweeping panorama of bikes and related merchandise behind a curved six metre-high glass facade. The materials of the building combine the toughness, tradition and quality associated with the marque. The interior joinery and floor are walnut, the exterior is brick and the high ceiling to the showroom is no-nonsense cast profiled concrete. The furniture and showcases of the interior are conceived in hardwood and chrome attuned to the unique aesthetic of a Harley-Davidson machine. The current building is phase one of a plan which will provide new workshops, visible through a glass screen from within an enlarged showroom, and further accommodation above.